Home > avs4x26x, encode, x264 > avs4x26x 0.10.0 ( x265, AviSynth+, x64, DGSourceIM, etc. )

avs4x26x 0.10.0 ( x265, AviSynth+, x64, DGSourceIM, etc. )

28th August 2014, Thursday Leave a comment Go to comments

After the silence of nearly one year.

Download links ( source codes are here): avs4x26x


Changelog since 0.9.1:

1. Fix automatically invoking Source Filter for media input files with AviSynth+, using the same patch from BugMaster for x264.

2. Support x265, x264 and x262. That is why we change the name from avs4x264 to avs4x26x. Actually avs4x264mod already supports x265 by simply using --x264-binary, but now if your output file is *.265/*.h265/*.hevc, avs4x26x will launch “x265.exe” even without --x26x-binary or -L. Still, “x264_64” for other output for backward compatibility.

Note that x265 introduce another method: x265 input output. This would not be supported for the x264/x265 recognition. Either avs4x26x input.avs --output output.265 or avs4x26x input.avs -Lx265 output.265 or avs4x26x input.avs --x26x-binary x265 is OK. But if you write avs4x26x input.avs output.h265, x264_64 is implied.

3. Support automatically invoke DGSourceIM, if DGSource failed for “*.dgi” input

4. Since x265 does not support avs input yet, x64 version is reasonable for those who want to use x64 AviSynth with x64 x26x. Now here comes the x64 version, to be used with x64 avisynth.dll.


Recently I’m preparing for my wedding ceremony, x264-tMod might be delayed for several weeks.

Categories: avs4x26x, encode, x264
  1. Sparktank
    28th August 2014, Thursday at 02,32pm GMT+0000

    Awesome update! Nice to see so many updates and wider support.
    And congrats on the wedding, man. 😀 Take all the time you need to updated x264-tMod.

    • 29th August 2014, Friday at 01,04am GMT+0000


  2. Dynamic
    7th September 2014, Sunday at 02,04pm GMT+0000

    Thanks for the update! Any possibility of adding tophf’s colorized console output https://github.com/tophf/avs4x26x-colorized? Would be nice to have just one avs4x26x instead of multiple versions floating around. More importantly congratulations on your wedding, wish you the best! 🙂

    • 18th September 2014, Thursday at 01,21am GMT+0000

      Thanks. I’ll consider merging coloring, and actually I was interested in adding coloring patch for x264, but that requires some universal method other than WinAPI and many further tests….

  3. 8th September 2014, Monday at 12,15am GMT+0000

    Congrats on your wedding!

    • 18th September 2014, Thursday at 01,21am GMT+0000

      Thank you!

  4. 19th September 2014, Friday at 09,19am GMT+0000

    Congrats on your wedding, Taro. wish you all the best.

  5. Kouta84
    25th September 2014, Thursday at 11,57am GMT+0000

    Hi! I have some
    “timecode [error]: automatic timebase generation failed.
    Specify an appropriate timebase manually.”
    when giving a tcfile-in.

  6. Kouta84
    25th September 2014, Thursday at 12,20pm GMT+0000

    edit: I find using tctool to fix timecode file fix the error.

    • Kouta84
      27th September 2014, Saturday at 12,53pm GMT+0000

      edit 2: In at least one case give error even after fix.

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