Home > encode, x264, x264-bin > x264 rev2184+663 tMod ( gcc 4.7.0 rc->stable )

x264 rev2184+663 tMod ( gcc 4.7.0 rc->stable )

25th March 2012, Sunday Leave a comment Go to comments

Sources on GitHub: https://github.com/astrataro/x264_tMod.

Use win32thread and fprofiled:

x264_rev2184+663_tMod-v2.7z : NMMMediaFire
x264_rev2184+663_tMod-v2-Special_offer.7z : NMMMediaFire

Special offer has only tMod+MixAQ-8bit and tMod-10bit with 4:2:0 chroma subsampling, no interlaced/audio/lavf/swscale/ffms support, smaller in size and might be faster in speed.

Latest updates:
– Updated lsmash, support reading the number of priming samples from libavcodec’s encoder (and would be displayed during audio encoding), and support directly pass (e-)ac3 to lsmash importer.
– [DEVEL-PATCH] Fix sliced-threads ratecontrol bug Was using qp instead of qscale; could cause NANs (not to mention less accurate results).
– Deleted useless spf for 1) I don’t like it, 2) it is annoying, 3) those who claimed to need it had never concentrated on it.
– Display ets (estimated total size) during encoding. Now you don’t need MeGUI or Calc any more…. :P

—– How to load subtitles internally –—
These builds ported subtitles video-filter from direct264, and are able to render subtitles internally.
To render subtitles in this way, demuxer must be libav/ffms. Raw/avs demuxer is not supported for now. And VSFilter.dll(for 32-bit builds) or VSFilter64.dll(for 64-bit builds) must be placed together with the x264 binary or in the system path. Do NOT change filenames of them.
Rendering multiple subtitles is possible. Now you can render at most 16 subtitles simultaneously by calling –sub for each subtitles. Note that the later calling of –sub overlays the subtitles after previous calling of –sub, so if several subtitles are in the same position, the last one should overlays on all those rendered before.
The VSFilters are modified to add custom csri API. Patches can be found in svn of direct264 project. Therefore do NOT replace them with other builds. BT.709/BT.601 is auto detected according to video resolution. For HD videos BT.709 is used and for SD videos BT.601 is used.
Both 8-bit and 10-bit builds can use subtitles rendering, but rendering always takes place in 8-bit colorspaces.
The commandline example to render subtitles:
x264_32_tMod-8bit-420.exe –sub “subtitles-1.ass” –sub “subtitles-2.ass” –sub “subtitles-3.ass” –video-filter subtitles[/Other video filters] [Other x264 options] –output “output.mp4″ “input.mkv”

–—––—– Download(L-Smash not included): patches-rev2184-v2.7z: NMMMediaFire
00:L-Smash(including audio encoding);
01:More detailed version head
02:Add back “touhou” tune
03:Film Grain Optimization
04:Fade Compensation
05:Remove stats before renaming
06:Add a parameter to set level of writing options in User Data Unregistered SEI
07:Utilize internal threading in lavf/ffms
08:Auto VBV settings
09:AVI output
10:filters hqdn3d pad vflip yadif patch
11:Log file
12:Encoding time
13:Level force
14:Profile force
16:New experimental AQ mode (modification of Auto-variance AQ)
17:Print video info with lavf/ffms demuxer
18:lto & Ofast
19:AviSynth 16bit hack
20:Skip bit depth filter when possible
21:Video filter: subtitles
22:Detect color matrix with lavf/ffms demuxer
23:Fix AviSynth color space converting matrix
24:High-precision fps & estimated total size (Update!!)
25:More detailed “zones” help
26:Unofficial –device
27-1:MixAQ-core;(only in tMod+MixAQ version, remove AQDebug)
27-2:OreAQ-core.(only in tMod+OreAQ version, remove AQDebug)

mingw-gcc 4.7.0

Libpack info:
ffms svn-r671
VSFilter svn-r3698 (MPC-HC)
lame 3.99-5
libvorbis-aotuv_b6.03 (libvorbis-1.3.3)
opencore-amr 0.1.3 git-r189(958395d)
vo-aacenc v0.1.2-6 git-r85(c6bad70)
vo-amrwbenc v0.1.2-3 git-r52(6ffcea9)
faac 1.28
qtsdk 7.3

My other tools list ( including some of the x264 builds ) : MediaFire

Categories: encode, x264, x264-bin
  1. 26th March 2012, Monday at 10,44am GMT+0000

    Please how can I use the “vsFilter” In detail?
    i trid But no chance

    • 26th March 2012, Monday at 02,07pm GMT+0000

      x264.exe --video-filter subtitles --sub "subtitles.ass" --output "output.mkv" "input.mkv"

      Also the modified vsfilter.dll need to be placed in the same directory of x264.exe.

  2. 26th March 2012, Monday at 07,02pm GMT+0000

    Thanks , for answer 🙂
    I’m doing the same thing .. Even in the results of x264 comes
    subtitles [info]: loaded subtitles “subtitles-1.ass”
    But when i play the video does not show any subs ?

    see Here – http://freetexthost.com/xdw3ms0v0i

    • 27th March 2012, Tuesday at 01,24pm GMT+0000

      As said in “ReadMe-how_to_load_subtitles.txt”, subtitles vf in x264 can only support x264’s internal lavf/ffms demuxer. I implemented subtitles vf just for who doesn’t want to use avisynth for encoding. So it only works with lavf/ffms. For example, x264 --device psp --vf subtitles/resize:704,480,sar=40:33/pad:8,0,8,0 --sub "subtitles.ass" --acodec aac --output "output.mp4" "input.mp4" can conveniently output PSP capable hardsubbed mp4 file without using avisynth. If you are encoding avs source directly or with pipe tools, the demuxer is “avs” or “raw” (or “y4m” if the pipe tool outputs yuv4mpeg), thus the subtitles renderer is not able to be loaded as supposed. The prompt information is not actually correct for them, I am just too lazy to fix it 😛

      Anyway, if you are encoding through avisynth, it is better to use vsfilter’s avisynth API(use official one from MPC-HC team, or xy-vsfilter, not the modified vsfilter.dll in my package). For example,

      FFVidouSource("input.mkv", timecodes="timecodes.txt")
      TextSub("subtitles.ass", vfr="timecodes.txt")


      avs2yuv -raw "encode script.avs" -o - | D:\FFF\x264\x264_x64.exe --demuxer raw --input-res 848x480 --tcfile-in "timecodes.txt" --audiofile "input.mkv" --output "output.mkv" -

      And that gives the result you want.

  3. 28th March 2012, Wednesday at 01,45pm GMT+0000

    – I’m using vsFilter with avisynth since a long Time … But when i encode a low quality it Gives noise a Bit ..

    so u just made it work with x264.. or is it gives a better quality ?
    thats why i want try it.. 🙂

    • 29th March 2012, Thursday at 02,25am GMT+0000

      I just made it work with x264. The performance and quality should be same as its avisynth function.

      If you mean noise at low bitrate, that might be caused by high frequency data ( which is quite normal around the edges of rendered subtitles ) to be compressed too much. Increase the bitrate, or soften the edges.

  4. 29th March 2012, Thursday at 11,09am GMT+0000

    Ok Thanks , allways use your Builds ..

  5. Mark
    1st April 2012, Sunday at 05,34am GMT+0000

    Thanks 🙂
    Is there any command to hide the encoding setting..so that the mediainfo don’t show encoding setting….plz tell me…like this

    Writing library : x264 core 00000000000000000
    Encoding settings : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    • 1st April 2012, Sunday at 09,38pm GMT+0000

      --opts 0 or --opts 1, although I would never recommend to do so….

  6. Kouta84
    1st April 2012, Sunday at 08,53pm GMT+0000

    why using vsfilter seems that was apparently used a frame drop/dup?

    • 1st April 2012, Sunday at 09,41pm GMT+0000

      What do you mean by frame drop/dup? The --vf subtitles uses vsfilter’s csri API, which is absolutely frame accurate. Actually its directshow API is also frame accurate, as long as you are not using DirectShowSource to call it.

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